Posted by Aarav Devakumar

Programming vs Coding: What Should You Learn First?
In the realm of technology, programming and coding often get intertwined, but they are distinct concepts with their own unique benefits and challenges. Programming involves broader skills such as problem-solving and algorithm creation, while coding focuses on writing the instructions that a machine can interpret. The path you choose depends on your goals—whether you seek to build entire software systems or enjoy the logic of writing code line-by-line. This article explores the nuances between the two, providing insights and practical advice to help you make an informed decision.
Posted by Aarav Devakumar

Understanding SEO: Is It a Hard or Soft Skill for Web Developers?
SEO is a critical skill for web developers, influencing how websites are built and maintained. While some see it as a technical, hard skill involving keywords and algorithms, others appreciate its creative and adaptive side, akin to soft skills. This article explores SEO’s dual aspects, providing insights and practical tips for web developers to enhance their expertise. Understanding the balance between technical prowess and soft skill adaptability can lead to more successful SEO implementation.